Watermelon Basil Cocktail


A refreshing Watermelon Cocktail.

I was in my kitchen and my husband asked if I could make him a refreshing summer Cocktail. It was very humid with about a 103 heat index that day. It gets very humid here in Minnesota in the summer months.

I had a nice Watermelon in the refrigerator that I was about to cut up and I had lots of basil growing in a planter on my deck.

Seemed like I could marry these two with the addition of some sort of alcohol. My husband loves Anejo Tequila so that was going to be my third ingredient. You can use any kind of Tequila, Silver or Gold for this recipe.



  • 2 Cups Seedless Watermelon, diced
  • 1 Tablespoon Organic Agave in the Raw
  • 3 & 1/2 Shots Tequila
  • Fresh Basil


1. Place the Watermelon in a Blender and pulse until smooth.

2. Strain the Watermelon to remove any pulp.

3. For the Basil, you will need about 2 Tablespoons muddled Basil. I used 2 very large leaves to get this amount. If you are not familiar with muddling, you need to use a pestal and morter. This releases the flavor and oils in the Basil to give us the flavor boost in our Cocktail. So put the Basil in the morter (bowl) then use the pestal to push down the Basil and give it several good turns to release the essence. If you don’t have a pestal and morter, you can use a wooden spoon and a sturdy glass using the same type of action to muddle the Basil.

4. Fill four, 6 or 8 ounce glasses with lots of Ice.

5. Now place the strained Watermelon Juice, the Agave, Tequila and the Basil back into the blender. Blend the ingredients on high for 1 minute then immediately pour the Watermelon Cocktail over the Ice evenly in each glass. Garnish with a Basil leaf or small Watermelon slice.

This Cocktail has a frothy top followed by an ice cold Watermelon Basil flavor burst. It is very refreshing and perfect for the warm summer months.

Recipe by: Hot Dish Homemaker


Hot Dish Homemaker

Hot Dish Homemaker

I love cooking for family and friends. I created the Hot Dish Homemaker blog, as a forum to share my recipes. I hope you will be inspired to try my recipes and share them with your family and friends as well.

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